Topic: Scheduler resets after trigger

Greetings one and all,

So, being brand spanking new to the world of the Peavey Media Matrix system, i am a little unsure over a few things.

I have had a little read through the forum and help documents but seem unable to drum up an aswer.

My basic issue is that, when i run the schedulers they take their intially programmed time and trigger when required but after it has taken the command, it then clears the scheduler and the times no longer remain and therefore do not work again unless the times are manually inputted which obviously defeats the whole purpose of an automatic trigger.

I have included a screen shot if anyone can work out from my very basic programming what i may have done incorrectly.

Thanks in advance

Matt S

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ATH Scheduler.png 211.71 kb, 439 downloads since 2012-01-07 


Re: Scheduler resets after trigger

Hi Matt,

If you are using Global Presets or Subpresets, it is distinctly possible that when you are recalling the preset, you are also recalling different settings for your Schedule Generator.

Unless there is a huge number of settings, or you really do want to recall ALL of the settings in the box, I'm a huge fan of using Snapshots. What settings do you want the preset to recall?


Josh Millward
Burnt Orange Studios


Re: Scheduler resets after trigger


after looking at it, the whole thing does use a Global preset recall to control the whole system but i have tried wiring up the schedulers to snap shot recalls and these will save the info when i have inputted it into the scheduler however, the same issue still exists where after it has taken the command to recall the global trigger, it resets back to 00:00.




Re: Scheduler resets after trigger


Take a look at this project to help you understand Presets and Snapshots.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Presets explanation 2.npa 223.46 kb, 594 downloads since 2012-01-13 

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