Topic: Your opinions ?

Good day.  NWare is a very open and flexible design environment.  Additionally, its system for device creation/initialization is also full featured.

The PageMatrix device is an example, and below is an image of a multi-channel compressor device that collects the controls in a row/column format and allows assignment of any row/device to the top set of UI controls.  The image shows the device, its ‘device properties’ dialog box, and the control UI.  Since we’re dealing with software, whether you want four or sixty four compressors, it will create whatever you select.

Devices like these can make programming easier and faster, and the UI may benefit the people setting up or operating the system.  After all, NIONs are just one part of a larger audio system.

As the designer/programmer, you can create devices like these, but shouldn’t NWare do it for you?

This forum has many members, but very few posts.  I certainly hope there are people viewing but not posting.  To all those members --

1. What types of new devices would you like to see included in future versions of NWare?
2. Are there device ‘groupings’ that you find yourself using in many of your projects, and you’d like them added to NWare?  If so, please describe them.
3. If you’re happy with the way things are, please say so.

To the independent programmers, you may consider some of your device groups to be IP.  I’m sure you can still make some suggestions <bg>

Thanks, Greg

PS – for those into the XML thing, as to the device node layout, I was frustrated by the callback system, so I wrote more flexible ‘base classes.’  The upper/lower pane UI layout and a larger ‘response’ window are also created by the xml.



Re: Your opinions ?

I make a lot of custom devices, but they're all specific to a project. I can't think of some I use regularly (with the exception of stereo or multichannel dsp blocks, but that's not to hard).

There's one option that I do miss: I'd like to be able to switch the AutoGroup function on and off to make soft links.


Re: Your opinions ?

All I want is a "Meter" device with labels inside. Just like Level "Gain" device : channel 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...
And I guess that this feature is easy to make .
Is it  very useful ?

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                                      -Johnny Cash