Topic: Comms Processor doesn't work when emulating

The Comms Processor doesn't work when emulating on a PC. I'm not sure if this is true on all versions but it's definitely the case for NWare 1.6.1 running on Windows 7.

Also in case you were wondering, like I was, the comms processor in TCP mode is a TCP client, not a server. Maybe this should be added to the documentation?


Greg M.


Re: Comms Processor doesn't work when emulating


You are correct that the Comms Processor device does not work under emulation. This is primarily due to vagaries of attempting to map serial ports of multiple emulated nions to the physical serial port(s) on the PC. I see that the online documentation is incorrect on this point and I have entered a bug report to have this corrected.

You are also correct that the Comms Processor device in TCP mode is a client and not a server. Again the documentation is vague here and I will have that updated as well.

-Frank Vernon