Topic: New Users

Because we frequently get calls saying “I have a new job and there are NIONs in the sound system” …

It is also good for service techs as a refresher when they head out to a service call.

I've changed this post into a PDF that will be updated on occasion......

I will always change the date in the file name, so you will know that you have the newest, most complete version.


Last edited by Fergy (2019-05-15 16:32:35)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon I have a new job and there are NIONs in the sound system.pdf 105.13 kb, 10488 downloads since 2019-05-15 

Make it intuitive, never leave them guessing.


Re: New Users

Thanks Fergy,
Great resources all in one place!

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."
                                                                                        - George Bernard Shaw