Topic: NWare - Sending Email?

To all,

I see that sending email has been added to NWare.  Any chance of SSL/TLS, port selection, and login credentials being added?

Not all locations have an accessible email server, so being able to use a public one would be helpful.




Re: NWare - Sending Email?

We will probably not support SSL on the NION.  We could add support for the port selection, credentials but I don't think that would be useful as I'm not aware of any public relays that don't use SSL. 

We will probably add support for SSL to nControl.  Let me know if this is of interest, and if I am wrong about the requirement for SSL on public relays.

There are SMTP relay applications out there (for both Linux and Windows), one solution is to get one running on a computer accessible to the NIONs.