Topic: New look Knowledge Center


The online Knowledge Center, where you can find the latest documentation for MediaMatrix products, including NWare and NION, has been given a makeover:


Here is a summary of the changes:

- Search results shown in the main content pane and not at the side any more, giving a clearer layout.

- New options on the right of the search results page for narrowing down the search. You can now restrict the search to only some of the manuals and, as you could before, choose what types of topics to view (i.e. "how-to" for procedures with numbered steps, "intro" for descriptive information only and "reference" for summary / quick look up info, like device reference topics, for example).

- Currently open topic highlighted automatically in the table of contents.

- Books opened automatically as you browse through the table of contents.

If you have any comments or run into any problems, pls post here.




Re: New look Knowledge Center

Quick update:

Now, when you click a search result in the Knowledge Center, it is dimmed, so when you return to the results, you can see which results you have clicked/viewed. This is handy if there are many you want to try and you're going through them one-by-one.