Serial control protocols

You may use any of the following protocols with the NION serial ports.

None/Comms processor

Used when the project contains a Comms Processor device, or when you do not want to use the serial port.

Note: If you select one of the other options – RATC2, for example, then try to use the Comms Processor device, it will not respond as quickly.


RATC2 is the improved version of RATC that was introduced with the NION platform, but is also supported by nControl and nTouch 180. Very similar to RATC1, RATC2 introduces shortened commands, and several extra functions.


RATC1 is the first generation protocol that was used in Classic frame-based MediaMatrix systems. RATC1 for NioNodes, nTouch 180 nodes and nControl nodes is equivalent to what was called RATC in Classic MediaMatrix.


Protocol used with the PageMatrix Command Center. It supports a four character control ID sent with the (T) trigger command.


Provides basic S (Set) PASHA functionality with X‑Net2‑style trigger commands.


Designed for projects that contain legacy MediaMatrix nodes that are controlled by external programs using the classic PASHA protocol, as implemented on MainFrames and MiniFrames. When you want to replace the legacy nodes with NioNodes, select the PASHA/Legacy option and you will not need to update your external program code.

This option ensures all hex values are returned from nodes in lower case instead of upper case to match the original MediaMatrix PASHA protocol.

See also

RS-232 serial port

RS-422/485 serial port in RS-422 mode

RS-422/485 serial port in RS-485 mode